About SJMC

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About SJMC

The School of Journalism and Mass Communication (SJMC) is committed to developing educated professionals. Our School couples hands-on training in professional skills with a strong liberal arts education.

Our students are prepared not just for their first job, but for becoming leaders in their fields. Professional education begins early in the School. First-year students take SJMC courses and are encouraged to participate in campus media opportunities so that they are soon ready to take advantage of the hundreds of internship opportunities available to Drake SJMC students in Des Moines and all over the world.



In addition, the SJMC offers an online bachelor's completion degree for students who already have some college credit and an online interdisciplinary Master of Arts in Communication with three tracks: Communication Leadership, Brand Communication and Public Policy & Advocacy.

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Three first-year SJMC students in the Multimedia Lab; the student in the center is wearing a virtual reality headset.

First-year students test out virtual reality using an Oculus Rift in their Multimedia Lab.

Dean and Professor: Catherine Staub
Associate Dean: Kelly Bruhn
Assistant Dean: Mallory Quinn (records)
The School of Journalism and Mass Communication awards a Bachelor of Arts degree in journalism and mass communication and a Master of Arts in Communication.